Message from Barrie Smith:
Hello to all,
Before the 50th Reunion for the Class of '62 becomes a distant memory, I would like to share a few thoughts that have come to my mind. I have received several notes from classmates who attended which have reaffirmed the truly outstanding character of our class. However, the importance to me is that I have been personally affected in many positive ways by what has happened over the past two years. It has been my special privilege to have been involved in such a cooperative effort with my classmates. Each one has been ready and willing to do his or her task in a cheerful, positive manner. The universal comment from teachers and classmates has been the feeling of a compassionate connection each experienced as they came to the greeters at the door Friday night, as they attended Rancho on Saturday, as they entered the main event Saturday night, or as they participated Sunday morning. Most, and hopefully all, left with positive impressions of their experience.
And so my thanks to those who in so many ways gave effort and shared talents.
A review of the Reunion events and some thoughts:
1. Friday night reception - set up with plenty of help and time, more attending than were expected, the room was barely large enough, snacks and beverages were marginal (some had suggested a small meal, but we were concerned about the cost), the videos seemed to be a hit with everyone - I think that we had 2 was a good idea, we did not get to the line dancing - too many people, reception table worked well and was well positioned, Memory Book was wonderful and worthwhile, room decor was just enough to create a Rancho atmosphere, about 6 classmates who had not purchased tickets showed up to visit - this seemed a better event to do this than on Saturday - they all seemed to have a positive experience.
2. Saturday morning - a good idea for relaxed visiting, food and drinks were about right, organizing for the Rancho visit seemed to go well, the cancellation of visits to Huntington Beach, Disneyland, golf, etc. did not seem to be a big issue, people did not let the rain dampen their spirits.
3. Rancho Tour - a huge plus that we were able to use the cafeteria for hanging out and eating, lunch seemed right and adequate, not too many walked campus - maybe an official tour would have been better, the janitor was cooperative and pleasant but not always readily available, it seemed that the amount of time at the school was about right, I know of two people that did not make the connection - communication problem.
4. Saturday night - set up well organized, the reception and venue was elegant, picture taking was a bottle neck, welcome and dinner on time (thanks Steve), in spite of several serving tables the waiting lines were too long, dinner quality was marginal, it seemed that open seating worked OK (I would like to hear comments on this), the period from keynote speak to dancing seemed long, teacher presentations were effective and timely, pictures always seem to be a hassle but important for memories, lots of time taken to give out prizes (? good or bad), DJ was cooperative but did not seem to be in sync with the event, not many danced (? age, music, small floor), no line dancing (probably not organized for a time to happen), many left quite early (would like to know reasons).
5. Sunday morning - good chance to visit and compare experiences, say goodbyes in a casual way, snacks and drinks adequate, could have used another hour to visit before 'Life Changing Moments'.
6. Life Changing Moments - started on time, great moderator, great to have some teachers with us, comments by classmates heartfelt and appropriate, low key relaxed atmosphere, timing about right, attendance was good but not great, hard to know how each person felt about this adventure but I heard comments of 'healing' and 'acceptance' that indicate it was important.
Some questions:
1. What advantage does a three day reunion offer?
2. Did the Reunion meet the needs of our classmates?
3. Understanding that about 1/3 of those attending will only do the Saturday night event - what should be changed?
4. What next, if anything? (We're getting older}
5. This reunion was a financial success mainly because of our doubling ticket sales in the last four months and the fact that the hotel provided snacks and drinks at no cost. How do you perceive the cost of the reunion? Should we try for a limit for the next event?
My answer:
The three day event fit my needs perfectly. I would not have missed it for triple the cost. I think that I have the best class and classmates possible. See you soon - 2017.
Barrie Smith
DVDs of Rancho history and the three days of the 50th Reunion are available for $20. This is done by Barbara Beard and is an add on to the video that ran in the hospitality room Friday and Saturday. Send requests and checks to Barrie Smith. Anticipated mailing in three months.
Kudos To the planning team!

Front row left to right: Linda Weiss Brodie, Sharon Smith Clizbe, Cherie Hamilton, Carol Winn Canfield, Martha Silva Rushford, Cyndi Henderson Rardin, Trudi Sigeske Covey, Janet Bessa Buell. Second row: Mike Wentink, Jim Canfield, Danna Hawley Willoughby, Denise Richardson Robertson, Bobbie Gray Walker, Jan Sorensen Tonner, Marti Wright Unger, Doug Beauchamp, Terry Belanger, Barrie Smith. Camera shy: Mike Lewis, Walt Unger, Steve Sheets, Peggy McFadden Smith, Donna Tucker, Carol Mardell
Photos and information will be posted as we receive them so please check back often. If you have photos to share, please email them to Jan Tonner at
Photos from Friday, March 16 Reception at the Marriott - Click Here
Photos from Saturday, March 17 Trip to Rancho - Click Here
Photos from Saturday, March 17 Dinner/Dance at the Crowne Plaza - Click Here
Photos from Sunday, March 18 Life Changing Moments and Aliso Viejo Country Club - Click Here
Letters to our classmates from Marlys Pic'l Nelson and Rick Hain
- 50th reunion 2011
- 52nd reunion 2014
- 50th reunion 2012
- 25th reunion 1987
- 20th reunion 1987
- 15th reunion 1977
- 10th reunion 1972
- 50th reunion 2013
- 20th reunion 1983
- all alumni picnic 2010
- all alumni picnic 2012
- commencement '62
- the scrapbook
- pre-reunion potluck
- a trip home
- saratoga reunion
- cross country reunion
- mini-reunion
- rahs golden anniv
- am legion champs '59
- memories album
- la voz
- garden grove history
- orange county
- memories...a poem
- official rahs website
- class of '60
- class of '63
- class of '64
- class of '65
- all alumni
- class directory
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