Sharon Calhoun Stocking

Sharon Calhoun - 1962Sharon Calhoun - 2011

After high school I went on to Orange Coast Jr. College and graduated under agra-business and got married to Robert Davis the day after graduation (1965). He went to Vietnam after we had been married 1 year. (Some may have met Rob when we went to reunions together.) He stepped on an 81 mm and lost both legs and his right hand. He came home and we lived a good life having two boys, in 1969 and 1970, Robert and Christopher. We lived mostly in Norco, CA. where there are more horses than people. We both rode horses and he worked for Orange Coast College. At this time he decided he didn't want to be married so we were divorced in 1979. We had a pony and a little buckboard that I wish I had now.

I remarried in 1984 to David Stocking and moved to El Centro, CA. I helped him run the PIP Printing franchise he owned. After we sold the properties we owned and the business in 2006 we retired. Then in 2009 we also sold our house and moved to Hackett, AR. I think it was a move I had wanted for a long time. We love it here, and the pom came with the house and we love her.

We have 5 children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren between the two of us. We found a church fairly close and have made some new friends - lots to do and see here!

I have kept in touch with Ginny (Mayton) Harding (even if she doesn't remember my last name lol) and her sister Gerry who graduated in 1961.

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